Being stood up by Dilip

Created by marion cameron 16 years ago
Dilip didn't do anything by halves. Whether he intended it or not, he even managed to turn standing me up into a grand affair. We had decided to go to one of the small cinemas in Wanchai but I had some work to finish so Dilip went off to Admiralty to have a drink with Judith. The plan was to meet at the cinema. I turned up fairly early and hung around waiting for Dilip. I collected our pre booked tickets and continued waiting. As the film was about to start and there was no sign of Dilip (not an uncommon occurence), I asked the lady at the ticket office to keep Dilip's ticket for when he did turn up. Going into the theatre, I thought I'd better get seats near the front as a previous scolding for even attempting to sit somewhere remotely middle-ish was fresh in my mind. So I sat and watched the film in splendid isolation near the front. I enjoyed the film and gave up hope of Dilip ever arriving until there was a noise at the back of the cinema followed by some footsteps. At first I thought it was Dilip but I realised that it wasn't. I turned to the film again until the foot steps stopped at the end of my row. The lady from the ticket office moved along beside me, held out Dilip's ticket and roared at the top of her voice "Your friend not come!" Give Dilip his due, when he heard this story and had stopped chuckling, he went out and bought me the biggest box of chocolates that I have ever, or I'm ever, likely to receive.